Saturday, May 4, 2013

Everything has a last time

With our children, we are always looking for the firsts. We are so intent on waiting for these firsts that we don't pay any attention to the last times. I still remember the last time my daughter woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to sleep with me. And it breaks a part of my heart that she doesn't do that anymore.

One of the hardest things for me to do is to go through my children's clothes to get rid of things that won't fit them anymore. It may be selfish of me but I want them to always be this small and always love me this much.

One of my crib sheets has this disgusting, oily stain on it from a particularly awful night and day when B was sick and throwing up constantly. She threw up all over me, all over the couch, and all over her crib. No matter, the feeling of her pressing her tiny face into my neck because I was the only one that made her feel better is still one of the best feelings of my life. I hope I can always make her feel better.

K is already about to outgrow his three month clothing. I feel like I have not taken enough pictures. I don't know why I feel that as they get bigger they need me less... I suppose that's a testament to my relationship with my own mother. I really did need her less. I'm not my mother though and my children will always know how much I love them, that I will always be there for them, and that I will never leave them.

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