Friday, January 4, 2013

new year, growing family.

2013 feels like it's bubbling with opportunity. Kyle and I have plans, methods of getting things done that we don't usually bother ourselves with. We usually just go with the flow but this year we are going after what we want. It won't be easy, for sure. I'm starting classes in 10 days to continue pursuing my BA. My quarter ends 2 days after my due date. The challenges of full-time mommyhood, full time-work, and being a full-time student will be daunting. But it's important. We will be buying our first home this year too. Something not too big, but comfortable and with room for Brynna and Baby D to grow into children. The place we're in now is barely big enough for us and one toddler...let alone the pets and another baby on the way.
I'm currently at the tail end of training with Starbucks to become a store manager...but that promotion would more than likely have to wait until I returned from maternity leave even if I was done today. Taking on the responsibility of my own store/business will be a challenge in itself but it's one I feel prepared for and confident will help me provide things to my kids I wouldn't otherwise be able.

2013 will most definitely be different from all other years, but I feel it will be so rewarding. Here's to lucky number 13!

Written from my Galaxy, waiting for blood work to make sure I haven't gotten the 'betes.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


My name is Jen. Kyle calls me Jennifer, and I love that about him. We met in 2007 and married each other in 2010. Every day with him is an awesome day... he does a great job of calming my crazy. In April of 2011 we welcomed our little Valkryie, Brynna, into this world. Life with her is real. Before her there was Kyle and Jen...and that was great. We drank. We worked. We stayed up all night and drank more. We fucked and went to music festivals and studied together. We played a lot of Wii and went to a lot of soccer games without worrying of it was too chilly for the little one. We skipped laundry and slept in on our days off. We walked around Disneyland drinking vodka like water. We did our grocery shopping when we felt like it without fear of a tiny person being hungry if we got the wrong stuff. It was a moment in time that up until I felt my little girl move for the first time had been the best time of my life. Sometimes I miss how easy and carefree that time was, but I couldn't imagine not having my reality that is my growing family.

So. Fast forward. My Brynna is now 20 months old. In an estimated 84 days we will be welcoming our son into our family. Kyle is an embalmer, I am a barista. We live in southern California and are vegan. Yes, we are raising our kids vegan and they're better for it. We have a cat named Roary the Hull City Kitty, a bulldog named Chloe Anne Boleyn, and a mix of some sort named Murphy. We are currently looking into buying our first home. Coming up with the down payment is the only thing holding us back...