Friday, July 19, 2013

July 2013

We are slowly settling into our new home. There's a lot of work to be done though so the house stays in a constant state of disarray. Its ok though. We're all a lot happier here. Brynna gets to run around in a backyard, so that's a plus. We're also walking distance to Mayfair Park and their Tot Lot.  Its designed for smaller kids so I dint have to worry so much about B falling or getting hurt while I'm wearing Kellen.

Brynna can say the entire alphabet and count to 10. When we're out she points letters and numbers out to us.  She also says "I'm vegan!" And "I'm 2!" Sometime she claims to be 4 though and I'm not sure where she got that. Her favorite songs right now are "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and the alphabet song. She can't say her "S" or "L" very well so when she says "horse" or "clock" we crack up. She's so smart, gentle, and kind. She loves her baby brother so much. (Baby brudder) She likes me to kiss all her boo boos better and I told her I always will as long as she lets me.

Kellen has rolled over a couple times. He's getting a lot of strength in his neck and will usually hold his own head up. He's a cuddler for sure and is content just being held. I can't believe how fast this goes.

My children are so awesome. My husband is amazing and perfect for me. I'm so lucky and incredibly happy that I have such a wonderful little family.

Tiny perfect

Perfect little ears.
Perfect little noses.
Perfect tiny breaths on my neck. My children. My reflections. My gifts. My hopes and dreams and all of my love...

Their souls are just getting used to this world. It is my job to protect those souls and give them the opportunity to grow into who they want to be. I must not hinder and I will not tolerate anyone else as a hindrance. They will carry into this world what their father and I give to them. The best we can do is fill their young souls with love and hugs and tolerance and joy.